Convenience Food v.s. Homemade - Kids Learning to Cook

(Hotel Room Kitchen)

In an attempt to keep things frugal and simple my husband and I bought a bunch of convenience foods to take on a trip some time back. This experience really made me think.

It might sound silly, but since I was raised on home cooked meals my children for the most part have been too.

We open a box of Macaroni and Cheese or Pilaf mix or thaw out a frozen pizza or chicken patties here and there. I would be a food snob for sure to refuse to acknowledge this.  I do not believe every bite of food that enters my children's mouths must be made by my own hand.  I'd like this on some level, but might die trying to accomplish this. 

So, anyway... during this trip we were coming and going and stopping back at our room to eat. We both became disenchanted very quickly with the quick meals we had planned for the trip. (Pre-cooked pasta in a bowl with plastic over it?  This is just not right.) We discussed this over one of these meals. I tried to imagine the difficulty of not knowing how to cook. I realized I must make sure my children are learning so that they have more options later.

When I got married I knew how to make a few dishes including casseroles.  Whoops my poor husband did not like casseroles.  There went the whole plan.  Over time through trial and error I added new dishes to my recipe box and we (he) did not die. 

Take it for what is is worth. We tried the shoe on the other foot eating bowls of mystery pasta. Next time we will take a little bit more time, pack the rice cooker and the foods that we are used to eating and have a much more enjoyable trip.

My conclusion- Cooking is beneficial to our health, palate, and the budget too. 
I sure hope the kids are learning something more than heating up chicken patties and boiling noodles.

Toodles! :o)

Make a Mix Cook Book


  1. Love it!! My poor mom tried to teach me how to cook, I didn't pay attention, but sure wished I had after I got married. Poor Jethro was a trooper those first few years.

  2. I still remember one of the first meals I cooked after plan A failed. I cried while he dumped it in the trash. Lol! Those were the days.


  3. We try to cook our meals, but occasionally (sometime more often then others) we have to break out a quick pizza.

    We really need to do a better job at teaching the kiddos how to cook.

    You are inspiring.


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