Bountiful Basket - Poppy Seed Dressing Recipe

My produce drawers are bursting this morning with lots of yummy offerings.
I picked my basket up this morning bright and early. 
Bananas, clementines, a mango, plums, peppers, lettuce, purple grapes, strawberries,
cantaloupe, tomatoes and corn.
One item listed managed to escape being photographed.
Can you pick out what it was?
Yes, you were right. 
The Bananas.

I am thinking a yummy salad might be in order.

Poppy Seed Dressing
yield: 3 cups 
1 1/2 tsp dry mustard (optional)
2 tsp salt
2/3 cup vinegar
3 tbsp finely grated onion
2 cups salad oil
3 tbsp poppy seeds

Combine the sugar, mustard, salt and vinegar; and then stir in the onion.
Allow the sugar to dissolve for a few moments.
Slowly add the oil while mixing in the blender.  
Continue beating until thick.
Stir the poppy seeds in and store in the refrigerator.

adapted from: Mormon Country Cooking
Winnifred C. Jardine


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